of the Origin, Evolution and Design of the Logo:
In the beginning, I wanted a logo that evoked a feeling of optimism.
DNA had to be an integral part – because a fascination with DNA had inspired my choices of further education and research interests in the Life Sciences.
The Logo was an opportunity to convey a message that means something.
I sat down and started sketching ideas and thinking – What is this company about?
The tree and Life Sciences became A Tree of Life Sciences®.
With the DNA double helix an integral part of the tree trunk, the solid scientific foundation of this tree of Life Sciences was depicted.
As part of the wording, the concept of tree of life appealed. This has been used to denote spirituality in many different cultures and countries. ‘A Tree of Life Sciences®’ would capture the concept that life, science and Life Sciences are fascinating and amazing.
‘Tree of life’ is also a metaphor used to describe the relationships between organisms, both living and extinct. So, the sense of evolution also appealed.
To give the image a productive, ‘feel good factor’ I added:
I then completed the circle by adding the abbreviation ATLSci, which I sometimes use as a shortened reference to the company (at a quick glance this looks like Atlas, which although a coincidence, again fits with the international aspect). This location was perfect for the stars: right at the top of the circle above the tree, thus representing inspiration, achievement and a sparkle of magic.
And, that is the story of how A Tree of Life Sciences® got its logo.
By Julie Charlesworth, founder