2/4/22. Life feels grey and gloomy particularly in the news, but here’s hoping there may be light and blue skies to come. To new horizons.
A photo I took on 2 April 2022, that captures a moment and a mood.
To brighter times and a better future.
17/4/2022. Looking forward to walking through a ‘sea’ of bluebells soon. Life doesn’t always go to plan and sometimes we must just try and make the best of a situation and use our imagination…
Photo taken in May 2019 in a bluebell wood near to home in the UK. That’s me in the photo enjoying a magical moment in Nature’s Garden and a spot of ‘tree bathing’.
Getting out in Nature and a good dose of fresh air can help.
I hope it’s going to plan for you and if not, perhaps change the plans to try and stay positive.
Take care.
Happy holidays!
by Dr Julie Charlesworth 17/4/22
26/4/22 Update.
Home Sweet Home! Finally, home after my original plans to be back in the UK with family for the holidays were thwarted by covid. It’s still around – we need to take care of ourselves and others; and behave responsibly. Proceeding with caution. Take care.