The draw of Leeds (my roots; where I was born and bred) was strong and coupled with a curiosity to see what other Northern women are up to – I found myself on the M62 driving over the Pennines and heading to the first live event of the Northern Power Women (NPW).
In the past I have tended to avoid all-women events but I’m getting to really like them – and they’re not all women either. Well, there you go, never assume – keep an open mind.
Result: Meeting some great people and enjoying the energising experiences.
Some 200 participants gathered in the recently converted Salem Chapel conference venue in the centre of Leeds. The chapel’s new auditorium, combining character and technology, provided a unique setting for story-telling, performances and discussions.
The event comprised a series of quick-fire talks – aspirational yet also to the point. Voices were rich in diversity: from the louder, passionate to the quietly emotive. There were moments to meet and mingle round the stalls in the exhibition hall. The day ended on an uplifting musical note with a duo from the Royal Northern College of Music.
And, of course, weaving throughout the event was a bit of wit and Yorkshire Grit.
Proud of my Yorkshire roots and mindful that I have a good dose of Yorkshire Grit engrained in me – on reflection, it comes in handy in life!
The NPWLive event was inspiring and worthwhile. Like the best of events, it’s not over when it’s over – thought-provoking stories can leave lasting powerful memories.
There were also, of course, the additional benefits of – great value for money; the general friendliness of ‘Yorkshire folk’ you meet including the parking attendants ‘Ello Luv’. Moreover, I didn’t get lost on the inner city roads this time – I only had to ask the way once 😉.
Final thoughts – the power of story-telling and that resilience and a sense of humour can get you through the ‘knocks’ in life to bounce back, speak out, make things happen and inspire others. Think big!
by Dr Julie Charlesworth
Further information and links
Yorkshire Grit: Yorkshire people are often noted for their grit, determination and natural resilience; as well as their warmth and friendliness.
For more about the Northern Power House, click here
For more about Northern Power Women and the event in Leeds, click here