Universities. Results Days. It’s that time of year again!

Many people are still celebrating the joys of graduation and the senses of achievement, but probably not forgetting the angst of exams and results days! Today, my thoughts are with those younger adults about to get A-Level results, and the university decisions soon to be made.

University was a life-changing experience for me for so many positive reasons.

I know ‘the times they are a changing’. However, I would like to think that the youth of today could have the same, similar, or even better opportunities. It is important to level the playing field for them, provide places to grow, and gain independence in life and in thought.

I am thinking of the many universities with whom I have links. I give a special mention to Manchester University because it is their bicentenary year! I support many of their aspirations and I am ever grateful to them for taking a chance on me some 50 years ago!

It seems timely to share some of my previous posts at this time of year. Positivity and Perspective on Results Day.

With best wishes to all.

by Dr Julie Charlesworth 14/8/24