‘Around the world International Clinical Trials Day is celebrated to raise the awareness of the importance of clinical trials and research in healthcare.’
The Christie, based in Manchester, had an open day and I decided to go along and take the opportunity of a walking tour of the Clinical Trials Facility.
‘The Christie is ranked as the most technologically advanced cancer centre in the world outside North America and has been named by the National Institute for Health Research as one of the best hospitals providing opportunities for patients to take part in clinical research studies.’
It was a very interesting morning, and the standout feature was the sheer enthusiasm and dedication of the staff which included senior research nurses, a matron, and the senior clinical trials laboratory technician.
As someone with a research background and experience in many aspects of clinical trials it was impressive and reassuring to see the stringent controls in place to ensure high standards, adherence to protocols and clear communication of information to minimise risks of errors.
Congratulations to all involved in providing this opportunity for people generally to see the facilities, speak to staff about why they do what they do and ask any questions.
by Dr Julie Charlesworth 20/05/23