It doesn’t take much to say thank you and it can make all the difference. The message below perked me up in a tough week. It concerns unpaid work that can be time-consuming, but it is important because ‘Peer review is a critical component of the research process. Peer reviewers dedicate their time and knowledge to help validate the work of other researchers.’
Message I received from SPRINGER NATURE:
‘ Thank you for serving as a peer reviewer
Your contributions are important and do not go unnoticed.
Thank you for helping us publish important research during an unprecedented year by reviewing papers for Springer Nature journals. The past year presented unique challenges that have heightened the importance of publishing sound, expertly reviewed research. We appreciate the time you took away from your personal life and research to accept and submit reviews.’
It was a privilege to be invited to be an expert peer reviewer in the first place. To hear that the work I have been doing is valuable and appreciated meant a lot to me.
by Dr Julie Charlesworth 16/3/21