I have just arrived back from a few interesting, invigorating, and enlightening weeks in the UAE. This visit was primarily for an important personal family commitment in Dubai, but I was also making the most of the trip on many levels, some of general interest to me and some work-related. On the basis of ‘jabbed to go’- I did go but still proceeded with caution by having my 4th covid vaccine jab some 6 weeks ago (and the annual flu jab around the same time). The trip proved to be an excellent and productive experience.
More to come about this mini adventure…
Meanwhile, I have a few comments about proceeding with caution:
Having received NHS invitations for my 4th covid vaccine jab and seasonal flu jab I ensured I was booked in as soon as possible.
Mask wearing although required in some specific situations seems to be largely a matter for personal judgement these days. My experience in the UAE felt safe and reassuring. However, on arrival back in the UK seeing the packed airport arrival hall and extensive queuing of hundreds of unmasked people I immediately put a face mask on as a precaution. The staff were doing their best in difficult circumstances. Such situations at airports really need to be improved!
I am still feeling ‘picky’ about travel and events – making the most of any trip I do take and getting maximum value out of any event.
by Dr Julie Charlesworth 6/11/22