Out and about: A new poem.



And so, we are here.
We survived thus far.
You and I
And others too.

Everyone has their own stories,
In these strangest of times.
Some will hold them close.
Some will be shared in rhymes.

Out and about more now.
We are the same
But not the same.

We can shout it
Or quietly contemplate
Our fate.
No doubt about it
Things are not the same.

It’s not all over
But it feels different.
And so, it should be.
If not,
Then what did we learn?

It is time for unity.
Some will engage.
Maybe in different ways
But in a common purpose.
And that is
– To change.

©Julie Charlesworth, 2021

It felt like time for a poem and this is the one I have just written. (There are lots where this came from – Maybe to share.) I find that poetry flows naturally from within, and it finds its own way of expressing and communicating feelings. At the risk of sounding or being pretentious – I’ll stop there. I simply hope it strikes a note for you to enjoy.

Take care.

by Dr Julie Charlesworth 8/9/21