The NCRI Cancer Conference in Liverpool, UK (November 1-4, 2015) provided an opportunity to look at cancer research from all angles.
With Liverpool being a convenient location from my Manchester base, I opted to drive there and back each day. As it turned out, the unexpected foggy weather meant very early starts and long days (better to stay overnight on site next time).
This proved to be a very worthwhile week!
Conferences can be similar in many ways but I find they do have different atmospheres. The NCRI Cancer Conference is a UK-based conference that brings together the entire cancer community. The buzz there was palpable! There were national perspectives – but also international perspectives and participants; less industry (or commercial) and more informal than some events, with lots of energetic researchers very passionate about their subjects. Charities, patient groups, public health, NHS, academia and research institutes were all well-represented.
There was a breadth of cancer research from basic science to public health. Here is a sample of what was offered:
Plenaries – Great speakers with knowledge and experience; straight–talking and also inspiring.
Symposia, parallel sessions, workshops, posters – provided a ‘pick n mix’ of subjects. There was something for everyone; including basic science, clinical research and development, prevention, treatment, and also patient perspectives.
Exhibition – with good opportunities for networking.
Key features:
Lively debates; cutting-edge science; interesting potential breakthroughs in prevention and treatment.
Keeping current and up to date: an integral part of the development of A Tree of Life Sciences, as a growing independent consultancy.
Cancer research: a specialist subject area – I took full advantage of this opportunity to continue to develop knowledge and understanding.
During the conference I was also able to share meeting highlights with colleagues and contacts. I came away with a wealth of material and ideas for future writing, communications and projects. As always these events are great opportunities to make new friends and contacts for future collaborations.
Excellent conference! Great experience!
Further information available here
by Julie Charlesworth