Positivity and Perspective on Results Day, 2023.

Congratulations again to those students who are happy with their exam results!

Whether grades exceed expectation or are disappointing, positivity, and perspective are important.

Results Day is something many people will relate to, whether directly affected this year as a teenager, a parent or for another reason.

I have written about this previously. My message remains the same to students, parents, and university admissions alike. Don’t despair, think laterally, take a chance.

I just wanted to add that being proactive and persistent will improve the likelihood of luck, chances, and opportunities. Hard work always pays off in the end.

Enthusiasm and focus still count for a lot these days.

Remember most successful people have a few ‘blips’ along the way and learn from adversity.

by Dr Julie Charlesworth 17/08/23

I am thankful to Manchester University for taking a chance on me as an 18 year old many years ago.

Some Sweet Summer Surprises.

Savouring sweeter moments whilst weathering the stormy times. Here are a few photos and a video clip to raise a smile and lift your spirits.

Ruby Wedding roses in bloom again and every year since 2020.

Sweet tastes of yesteryears – making shortbread according to my well-thumbed little old Be-Ro recipe book. Being a trifle frivolous preparing a traditional dessert with a little help from my young grandchildren.

A fearless fledgling bird appears at our window. (It is a young blue tit.)

Finally, a garden feast attracts a flurry of bird activity. (The shiny discs ward off bigger birds and squirrels, providing opportunity for the little birds.)

by Dr Julie Charlesworth 09/08/23

Life’s Cruel Blows.

We all tend to take each other’s mental and physical wellbeing for granted. We often ask but without conviction ‘How are you?’ and receive the usual response ‘I’m fine, I’m OK’. This has prompted me to express some sentiments in verse.
When life deals the cruellest blow.
And what you know
Is not yours to share.
When sorrow runs deep,
Emotionally draining.
All you can do is show you care.
In the bleakest times,
Speaking in rhymes
Seems a tad trite.
Try as you might,
You cannot see the light.
You can just about cope.
Simply touch, hug, and give authentic love.
A gentle kiss and above all this,
A tiny spark of hope.
Because in this moment we see.
It is not just you and me.
It is We and so much more.
For, in such times it is humanity itself.

©Julie Charlesworth, 2023

Be kind in business as well as in life generally. You never know what someone is going through.

by Dr Julie Charlesworth 25/07/23

Midsommer celebrations in Sweden; hope and positivity.


Fika, flower crowns, festivities, and culture.
It is the halfway point in the year and perhaps a time to spread some rays of sunshine from a wonderful European experience. I have just returned from a trip to Sweden. From Stockholm to Dalarna – what a great place to spend the summer solstice and midsummer!

Snapshots of Midsummer trip to Sweden 2023
We can share and learn much from different and similar cultures.
Life throws all sorts of stuff at us all. It is important to try and keep some hope and positivity even in the most difficult times.
The Dala Horse is a symbol of good luck, strength, and courage.
I enjoyed the midsommer traditions and festivities that celebrate the arrival of summer including a traditional floral crown.
It was my first attempt at making a flower crown and I was happy to wear flowers in my hair for the celebrations.
‘Legend has it that flowers and herbs picked on the summer solstice have magical properties.’
The Maypole, or Midsummer Pole (Midsommarstågen) – a local centre of the day’s festivities with dancing and songs around the Maypole. Many people participated (I joined in a little too).
Midsommer is a time for family and friends.
Fika, flower crowns, festivities, good food, and culture.
Sweden has much to offer.
(And of course, some superb science too!)

Fika is a concept, a state of mind, an attitude, and an important part of Swedish culture. It’s about making time for friends and colleagues to share a cup of coffee (or tea) and a little something to eat. Many people think we should make time for ‘fika’ every day.

To finding hope and positivity even in the most difficult times.

by Dr Julie Charlesworth 27/06/23


A Tree of Life Sciences® Success and Award Nominations.

I have been shortlisted for another award for A Tree of Life Sciences®. It is very gratifying for my company and myself to be nominated so often and is testimony to its success and the effort I have put into it.

by Dr Julie Charlesworth 10/06/23

May and the joys of Nature close to home.

May long-weekend and half-term holiday – a time to get away or a time to simply appreciate some of the joys of Nature close to home.

Our tiny, feathered friends have returned to nest and raise their second brood of the year. Meanwhile, the roadsides and hedgerows nearby are festooned with cascades of Laburnum and random patches of poppies and wildflowers. Hawthorn, colloquially known as May or the May Tree is widespread in the UK and the white blossom typically appears this month.

 “N’er cast a clout till May is out”.

This proverb alludes to the fickle British weather. It is commonly thought that the reference isn’t about the end of the month of May, but one of our most common trees, the Hawthorn. Clout is from an Old English word for cloth or clothing, and the saying is a reminder not to be too quick to put away your winter clothes until summer has fully arrived.

Have a lovely weekend.

by Dr Julie Charlesworth 26/05/23


Celebrating International Clinical Trials Day at The Christie Open Day.

‘Around the world International Clinical Trials Day is celebrated to raise the awareness of the importance of clinical trials and research in healthcare.’
The Christie, based in Manchester, had an open day and I decided to go along and take the opportunity of a walking tour of the Clinical Trials Facility.

Photos of Open Day at the Christie

‘The Christie is ranked as the most technologically advanced cancer centre in the world outside North America and has been named by the National Institute for Health Research as one of the best hospitals providing opportunities for patients to take part in clinical research studies.’

It was a very interesting morning, and the standout feature was the sheer enthusiasm and dedication of the staff which included senior research nurses, a matron, and the senior clinical trials laboratory technician.

As someone with a research background and experience in many aspects of clinical trials it was impressive and reassuring to see the stringent controls in place to ensure high standards, adherence to protocols and clear communication of information to minimise risks of errors.

Congratulations to all involved in providing this opportunity for people generally to see the facilities, speak to staff about why they do what they do and ask any questions.

by Dr Julie Charlesworth 20/05/23

Women Pioneering Global Harmony.

This conference was convened by GCF-WIN, hosted by CSPOC at the United Nations Office in Geneva 11th May 2023.

I felt privileged to receive a personal invitation to be a participant. I learned a great deal from listening to the presentations and discussions. It was an excellent thought-provoking and inspiring event!

I am humbled to have heard the stories and thoughts shared by the many impressive and passionate speakers including women of a wide range of ages and backgrounds.

For me this experience also sits well with my mantra of looking beyond to understand better that which is in front of you.

Thanks again for this opportunity and to all those involved in making this happen. I think this will be an impetus for action and ‘make a difference’.

A time for change? It feels like the impetus is building…

There are truly good people out there doing great things for the right reasons.

by Dr Julie Charlesworth 11/05/23


[GCF (Global Citizen Forum) ‘Beyond Gender, Religion and Nationality’
WIN inspiring women worldwide (Women’s International Networking) https://www.winconference.net/
CSPOC a United Nations accredited, not-for-profit NGO.’Fostering self-sustaining solutions by integrating Health, Education, and Enterprise, celebrating Diversity & Inclusion’]

May Focus

What a great time to be involved in life sciences, research and communications! Equally, these days I am actively listening and contributing more widely.

It is consistent with my purpose and may bring a few surprises, and some smiles from time to time.

Focus on Purpose.

by Dr Julie Charlesworth 01/05/23

(😊.‘Not all those who wander are lost’ from a poem by J.R.R. Tolkien.)

Reconnecting with the PSA.

Why was the Professional Speaking Association (PSA) Spring Conference something worth coming back for?

PSA Summit April 2023

My main purpose was to reconnect in person with many speakers and friends who I have known for years but rarely see these days (since C19). Many attendees from several regions would be in one place on the same day. With people and subjects heartfelt and a location close to my heart and near home – this time it was central Manchester for the Spring Conference. What’s not to like 👍.

It did not disappoint. Indeed, it surpassed my expectations on many levels!

The coverage of interesting serious subjects, emotional stories; diverse perspectives and different opinions are always a refreshing change. Tips were shared. Some good people came together with a common interest – SPEAKING. As a group or individually speakers are openly or quietly supporting each other.

I think professional speakers with this role as a main source of income were particularly impacted by the covid restrictions; many adapted but it was (and still is) a challenging time.

I am glad I attended this event in person. There were many familiar faces and several people who I know and like. I was astounded by how many people still recognised and remembered me (I have been quiet for a while in this area).

Great speakers, table talks with experts and a fantastic uplifting vibe. Lots of new faces, networking, and new connections to be made. Serious discussions. Nonetheless, so much fun and laughter too.

Travelling in and out of Manchester by train again – credit where credit is due this was another positive train experience for me.

As always there was lots to learn and to open the mind. I am sure there will be many posts about this day. A well-spent Saturday!

For now, just to say thank you to the PSA for a great event and to wish everyone all the best. There will of course be follow-ups as well 😊.

by Dr Julie Charlesworth 24/04/23

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